< 19 Hours Left

And I'm stoked.
I am not sure if I'll be able to accomplish what I had in mind for this game (as is often the case) but I'm pretty damn content with the direction this game is heading.
I had this idea of an opening sequence that explains why you're fighting shadows, and spent most of the day getting that in tip top shape, along with adding new tiles to the tileset. (pictured above). The video captures the intro sequence, which is basically: Wake up in the middle of the night, see a lit candle in your room, and get your shadow stolen by big spooky hand.
Then the idea is that you go into the dark closet to fight for your shadow back. Aka the meat of the game that I have yet to show anything for. There is hope however! As long as I don't go too far down the rabbit hole in making the enemy shadow AI better, I could even see myself maybe squeezing out a boss fight, since most of what I have left is level design--with a side of coding and art.
Hard maybe.
It's going to be a loong night, see you on the other side!
Get Walk the Shadow
Walk the Shadow
Top down, candle chucking adventure into a boy's nightmarish fear of shadows.
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